Summons & Collective Orders

Hosts of summons, of which tables are visited by us for 12 years, are served our products as their treats with pride!
We can serve to your tables with the special menu, to be prepared together, for your guests, special dinners and your crowded feasts up to 30 to 40 persons.
Our Uncompetitive Products on the Market: (On condition to be ordered previously)
- Black Sea Style Real Su Böreği -minimum 1 tray-
- Kol Böreği with Minced Meat, prepared with Baklava Dough -minimum 1 tray-
- Stuffed Vine Leaves and Cabbages with Olive Oil (on winter menu) -minimum 1 kg-
- Marvelous Çerkez Chicken -minimum for 10 persons-
- Fried Liver -minimum 1 kg-
- Humus and other Delis with Olive Oil -minimum 1 kg-