
In our restaurant, materials, which are meticulously selected for you, are being obtained from various regions of the country with incurring lots of financial and moral exertions and protecting the taste.
Our materials are not being purchased with the aim of highest profit and cost effectiveness; your health and satisfaction are the basic prerequisites for our entrepreneurship understanding.
- Our meat is selected from calf meat and local livestock. They are processed and sent by our special butcher, which is located in Ordu for 12 years. Black sea meat creates a different taste especially on our meatball meals.
- Our butter is real churn butter and supplied from Ordu, and is not produced in factories!
- Our rice is being prepared especially for us as over sieves within Okurlar Trakya Paddy Rice Factory.
- Cannellini beans are well-known sugar beans of city of Erzurum, İspir province and Kelkit region.
- Chickpea is the white chickpea of Çanakkale – Lapseki province.
- Kidney bean is the sugar kidney beans from Niğde.
- Brine vine leaves are being supplied from Manisa – Alaşehir province.
- In our meals with olive oil, we are using well-known natural trickle olive oils of Antakya.
- In our hot dishes we are using oleum cryli and fresh butter.